getting in the door

August 28, 2006

if you live somewhere with a bunch of ‘hot’ restaurants, you know the hassle and planning involved in getting a table sometimes. trust me, living in san francisco, i’ve been on the phone trying to get through to the french laundry, 2 months to the day of when i want to dine there, hitting redial […]

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Going to Napa, but Skipping the Vineyards – New York Times

August 28, 2006

This article was in the ny times last week and i dig the premise. go to napa for the food – the great thing is all the restaurants have great wine – there in napa!! i haven’t had a chance to eat all the restaurants listed (a few though – bouchon being one of my […]

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Tequileria – SEA-TAC Airport

August 25, 2006

I wasn’t planning on doing 3 posts tonight, but my flight is delayed by 2 hours and I’ve been sitting in a bar for most of it sipping the finest Sam Adams that $6.75 (plus a shot for only $2.50!) will buy. Since the only bar in the Southwest terminal is Tequileria that is where […]

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Sapphire Asian Cuisine – San Francisco

August 25, 2006

Sometimes, I work out of the Cod Cheeks San Francisco office. For me, a suburbanite, this is quite a treat. Big buildings, great restaurants, belligerent homeless people. Ah, city living. But when I do come to the city, I love to sample the restaurants that we have near the office. One of our favorites is […]

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Isami – Seattle, WA

August 25, 2006

One of my biggest pet peeves is when I travel is that when I offer to take a client to lunch and they pick a very bland or very run of the mill place. My most notable incident of this happening is when I was in Houston, dying for a steak, and my client took […]

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Kyoto Palace – Campbell, CA

August 21, 2006

Last night, on the recommendation of a neighbor, we took the kids to Kyoto Palace in Campbell. While I’m not usually one to want to see how my food is made and I thought, damn, those places are pretty expensive to drag the kids along, I was assured that it would be excellent entertainment for […]

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the fatted calf

August 18, 2006

it seems like the artesianal food movement is heading into forcemeats (a scary word that basically means salami, sausage, pate, etc.). there is an outfit here in san francisco called the fatted calf that started making an appearance at the ferry building’s saturday farmers market, and i have been slowly tasting their wares. everything i […]

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c|net launching chow (again)

August 18, 2006

Hello, my name is Daniel and I’m an ex-New Yorker (via LA, CA). Once upon a time I worked as a chef in a 4-star restaurant called Per Se. I am currently living in San Francisco and working at a small internet search company in Silicon Valley. My first post to ‘cc is just a […]

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it’s official

August 17, 2006

even though i have been writing posts for a few weeks now, i officially launched today. it is definitely in it’s early stages with many changes and improvements coming down the road. one big change going forward is that i won’t be going it alone, but will have some other smart food people helping […]

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then just don’t eat it!

August 14, 2006

there has been a movement growing around the country to get foie gras banned, claiming it amounts to cruelty to animals. there is a ban taking place in california starting in 2008, and the a ban set to take place this month in chicago. i can sum up my opinion of the situation pretty succintly […]

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