thanksgiving….two weeks late….i suck

December 7, 2006

turkey day is two weeks past and i am finally posting about it – i know i am horribly late, but it’s been a bit hectic with the new baby, family visiting for the holiday, and going back to work. i have turned the corner though, and i’m back on the codcheeks horse (does that […]

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Crunchy French Toast

November 29, 2006

So we are building a house. We are excited about this project for a bunch of reasons as you can imagine, but we are especially excited because for the first time in our lives, we will have a real kitchen. With an oven that isn’t the cheapest thing at Sears. This means we have to […]

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St. John’s Bar & Grill – Tri-Tip Tuesday – Sunnyvale, CA

November 29, 2006

As a lot of you know, I recently started a new job. Jodi, one of the key members of my team, immediately started raving about how great Tri-Tip Tuesday is at St. John’s and how we need to go out there for a team event. Sure, sure, I thought. Who is this crazy person and […]

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Kelly’s French Bakery – Santa Cruz, CA

November 29, 2006

The weather in the Bay Area over Thanksgiving weekend was amazing. So nice in fact, the wife, kids, dog and I packed up the car and headed over to Santa Cruz for the day. We figure we’d let the kids and the dog exhaust themselves running on the beach, then grab a bite at Emily’s […]

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tis the season

November 21, 2006

tis the season for new additions to the family as well as thanksgiving, where here at the cod cheeks test kitchen on brannan st., we will be making a feast! we have some family coming to town, including the gourmet dad and the brother-in-law who is starting to find his way around the kitchen. that […]

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the newest codcheek member

November 11, 2006

i probably won’t be able to post for week or two as we had a new addition to the codcheeks family on wednesday and he is going to take a bit of my time. . .welcome ben!!!

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weeekend round-up

November 6, 2006

a few things that peaked my interest over the weekend: check out the amateur gourmets post on his free, white truffle meal at alain ducasse. it looks like a pretty amazing meal – the few times i have had white truffles i was blown away. this is the season, so find a place that does […]

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finally, yahoo food! what??

November 2, 2006

since i’m an ex-yahoo and i happen to be obsessed (but in a good way) with food, i figure i should probably say something about yahoo’s big announcement yesterday, the launch of yahoo food!!! my first thought to this big move was and still is, “WTF??!!” this will definitely help them beat google and microsoft, […]

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another one bites the dust

November 1, 2006

it’s with a sad heart that i read today that enrico’s in north beach closed last night. it was a north beach institution and a san francisco institution. it was an integral part of the music and hipster/beat scene that flourished in the city, and even though it had fallen upon hard times recently, it […]

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watermelon redux

October 30, 2006

yesterday i took a good long look at the watermelon sitting on my cutting board, and nothing came to me (even though i got a great suggestion for a watermelon relish). i decided to cut it up, separate the rind, and think on it some more. after tasting how good it was, it hit me […]

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