Harold McGee is a Food Magician: How to Cook Pasta in a Frying Pan

November 2, 2011

If I ever have even the inkling of a question about how different ingredients will act when added together or why “this or that” happens the way it does in the kitchen, I go to one place, On Food and Cooking by Harold McGee. In most professional kitchens it is just called “the bible.” It […]

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The Best Damn Cauliflower Recipe. Ever.

October 27, 2011

There are a few things you can expect to never hear me say in my kitchen, like “No, that’s too much butter” or “Yes, I would like more seitan” or “Make my steak well done.” Another one I never thought would be uttered is “Damn that’s good cauliflower!”, until I made the Roasted Cauliflower recipe […]

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“Restaurant” Review: Fox & Obel Cafe, Chicago

October 21, 2011

You may notice that “restaurant” is in quotes, because I wouldn’t really call this a restaurant, but more like an attempt at a restaurant added to a high-end grocery store. I’ll keep this pretty brief, it wasn’t very good, in fact, it was pretty awful. And the bar was low, like “I am super hungover […]

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Maybe Grant Achatz will adopt me?

October 20, 2011

I don’t post anything for weeks on end and then it’s two Grant Achatz videos in a row. Am I obsessed? I would say yes, slightly, in good way though (I think). Also, Achatz has been posting a bunch of new videos lately, and they happen to be pretty good. This one is the story […]

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Alinea’s Pumpkin Pie

October 19, 2011

I’ve been in Chicago for over a year and I haven’t had the chance to eat at Alinea yet, and seeing things like this make the fact that I haven’t been there yet even more  unforgivable!

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A Two Page Contract to Eat Dinner? GTFO

August 15, 2011

I’m all for chefs wanting to exert some control over their dining room, and wanting to create a great experience, but making me sign a two page contract to eat dinner at some new restaurant in DC called Rogue 24? For serious? It really takes all joy out of it for me. Besides, good luck trying […]

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The Greatest Cake Ever: Willy Wonka Birthday Cake

August 12, 2011

There is really not a lot that can be said about the Willy Wonka Birthday Cake, except that I want one right now. I mean, look at this thing:  Get the full rundown and recipe on The Kitchen Magpie blog. Does an oompa loompa hold my plate for me when I eat it?

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Edible Parmesan Pencils

July 22, 2011

I don’t usually go for kitschy kitchen gadgets, but this is cool, clever, and potentially useful: edible Parmesan pencils.

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Adventures in Home Sausage Making

July 19, 2011

We’ve been pretty lucky to have a new butcher open up a few blocks from our house that carries pork and grass-fed beef from local farm, makes some awesome sausage and charcuterie, and has quickly become my fountain of all meat knowledge. Inspired by all the goodness coming out of that place, I decided to […]

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The Black Sheep Restaurant Chicago

July 14, 2011

I haven’t written a post in quite a lone while, and while I wake up everyday with the best intentions to get my ass in gear and start posting about all sorts of deliciousness, work, kids, and life seem to get in the way. I’ve needed a bit of a kick in the ass to […]

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